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Great Attractions to Visit In Orange Park Acres, California

Orange Park Acres, California, is an unincorporated neighborhood located around the City of Orange County, California. Orange Park Acres borders the City of Orange by south downtown Orange County to the south and Chapman Avenue to the northwest. It is about 1.4 miles in size and makes up about five thousand residents. There are a couple of Orange Park Acres, California hotels that you can stay at during your stay in the community. Here are some attractions that you can enjoy in this California community. Visit this link for more information.


The first attraction that you should do in Orange Park Acres, California, is to take a ride on the train known as the Silverado. This is a California State Railroad train that runs through many cities in California and is one of the most popular ways for tourists to enjoy their Golden State vacation. This train leaves the depot at the San Diego-OC Transit Station every day around six o’clock in the morning and takes over an hour to travel from the depot to Orange Park. Traveling by train is a pleasant way for you to get around because you get to see many beautiful sites along the way. In addition, it is a quick way to get to the many destinations in Orange County. Read about A Guide: La Habra, California here.

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The second thing that you should do in Orange Park Acres, California, is to visit the World of War II Memorial Park. The World of War II Memorial Park was designed by John Seale, who is a famous sculptor. Here you will find the remains of several soldiers who were killed in World War II.